The Senate and Assembly will be holding a public hearing on the Employment First bill on Wednesday, January 10th starting at 11:30 PM in the Capitol. DSPN will be submitting testimony that supports the bill but raises concerns about the MCOs and ICAs arbitrarily time limiting prevocational services. These actions are dramatically limiting opportunities for people with disabilities. Our Director of Membership, Jeff Kaphengst will be delivering testimony on behalf of DSPN, and he will be accompanied by representatives from the A-Teams of Wisconsin. We hope to see you there.
The hearing schedule is as follows:
Senate Bill 514 - 11:30 AM - Capitol, Room - 330 Southwest (Location may change depending on attendance)
Assembly Bill 625 - 12:30 PM - Capitol, Room 417 North (GAR Hall) Largest Hearing Room in the Capitol
Here are some key points to know as we draw closer to the hearing date:
1. If speaking, bring copies of written testimony to distribute to the panel, 20 copies for the Assembly, 10 copies for the Senate
2. Bring separately written testimony for Senate Bill 514 and written testimony for Assembly Bill 625
3. If speaking, limit testimony to 2-3 minutes, then allow for questions from the legislators
4. Give a summary of written testimony, do not read the testimony verbatim from the written testimony.
5. How long do you anticipate the hearing going for?
Based on the number and length of testimonies and legislator questions, anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
The Employment First Bills are being presented first at both hearings.
Presenting a short Senate testimony will help everyone present their testimony with enough time to move to the Assembly Hearing.
6. Other ways to get a written testimony to the committee if you are unable to attend:
Include additional written testimonies with the testimony that is being presented to the committee (DSPN or A-Team member). Inform the Committee that additional testimonies are included from constituents that were not able to attend in person.
Written Testimony can be emailed to the corresponding Committee Chairperson:
Senate Bill 514
Senator Patrick Testin
Assembly Bill 625
Representative Warren Petryk